CVR estimated from Breath-Hold fMRI is more reliable than CVR estimated from RSFA, but this effect shows substantial spatial variation.


Breath-Hold (BH) induced Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) measures the ability of the brain’s vasculature to respond to a vasodilatory stimulus. However, BH movement artifacts are time-locked with the vasodilatory signal of interest, potentially introducing considerable bias on CVR estimates. We compare different strategies based on Multi-Echo (ME) BOLD fMRI to clean BH data.


We asked 6 subects to undergo 10 multi-echo BOLD fMRI sessions, one week apart, and perform a RS or a BH task. We computed CVR and RSFA maps for each session and normalised those maps to the MNI space. We computed the correlation between and the reliability of such maps both at the voxel and at a parcel level.


In most subjects, CVR and RSFA show a moderate spatial correlation, that varies greatly depending on the subject. Different reliability of the data was found between the voxel and the parcel level.

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Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) measures the ability of the brain’s vasculature to respond to a vasodilatory stimulus, such as CO2 , and is an emerging imaging metric of cerebrovascular health. Breath-Hold (BH) induced CVR mapping is a valid alternative to gas inhalation challenges [1] with functional MRI. Although BH is non-invasive, highly tolerable, and relatively easy to implement, BH-derived CVR maps can be confounded by task-correlated movement, large vessel signals, and variability in task performance. This makes it challenging to explore true variability in the CVR response, both across grey matter and across timepoints. To our knowledge, no previous work has evaluated the variability of CVR estimates across beyond two scanning sessions. Alternatively, resting state fMRI data can be used to estimate CVR [2,3] with reduced concern over the aforementioned confounds. Resting State Fluctuation Amplitude (RSFA) is generally associated with physiological responses [4]. However, these surrogate metrics may not map identical vascular parameters, and may not reflect the same underlying brain physiology. In this study, we present the first longitudinal study comparing BH and RS CVR maps over 10 sessions, spaced one week apart, using multi-echo acquisition to minimize noise artifacts and increase BOLD sensitivity. We assess the variability in these CVR estimates over time, and compare patterns in CVR across grey matter with known spatial patterns of functional neural networks.


Six healthy volunteers underwent 10 MRI sessions in a 3T Siemens PrismaFit scanner, spaced 1-week apart at the same time of day. A RS and a BH task (Fig. 1) adapted from [5] were administered at each session while collecting ME-fMRI data (400 and 340 scans respectively, TR=1.5 s, TEs=10.6/28.69/46.78/64.87/82.96 ms, flip angle=70°, MB=4, GRAPPA=2, 52 slices, Partial-Fourier=6/8, FoV=211x211 mm2, voxel size=2.4x2.4x3 mm3). CO2 levels were measured during the BH task using a nasal cannula, a gas analyzer (ADInstruments), and a BIOPAC MP150 system. Data preprocessing and data analysis followed the same steps reported in [6]. Briefly, after a minimal data preprocessing, CVR and lag maps were first obtained in the Optimally Combined ME data (GLM with lagged HRF-convolved PETCO2 timeseries as covariate of interest; 12 motion parameters and Legendre polynomials as nuisance regressors). The same preprocessing was applied to the RS data, after which RS fluctuation amplitude (RSFA) was computed using AFNI’s 3dRSFC [7]. Both CVR BH and CVR RSFA maps were normalised to the MNI152 template, then the average value of 118 parcels were obtained using the Schaefer 2018 atlas (100 regions) [8] with the cerebellum and subcortical parcellation of the Destrieux 2010 atlas (18 subcortical and cerebellar regions) [9]. Due to the physiological difference between positive and negative CVR BH , voxels with positive CVR BH were analysed separately from voxels with negative CVR BH. Only those voxels that were always positive for all sessions and all subjects were considered for further analysis of positive CVR. Similarly, only those voxels that were always negative for all sessions and all subjects were considered for further analysis of negative CVR. ICC(1) [10] was computed with a custom Python based algorithm for each parcel and for each voxel adopting subjects as objects of measurements and sessions as observations. Then, spearman’s rho between CVR BH and CVR RSFA was computed for each subject across all parcels and sessions.

Figure 1: BreathHold task.


In most subjects, RSFA shows a moderate spatial correlation with both positive and negative CVR. However, this correlation varies greatly depending on the subject (Figure 2 and 3). At the voxel level, the reliability of positive CVR is systematically higher than that of RSFA (Figure 4). The same can be observed in negative CVR voxels (Figure 5). At the parcel level, the reliability of positive CVR is generally high, especially in frontal, occipital, and subcortical areas, but it shows extremely high spatial variability; RSFA has low reliability that is spatially more homogeneous. With the exception of few areas, both ICC(1) maps appear to be fairly symmetrical across hemispheres (Figure 6). Due to the little number of negative CVR voxels, such comparison couldn’t be performed on negative CVR.

Figure 2: Positive CVR vs RSFA for each subject

Figure 3: Negative CVR vs RSFA for each subject

Figure 4: Above: Voxelwise ICC of positive CVR (left) and RSFA (right); Below: maps of a session of a representative subject

Figure 5: Voxelwise ICC of negative CVR (above) and RSFA (below)

Figure 6: ICC(1) of CVR (right) and RSFA (left)


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