To improve breath-hold induced CVR estimation, noisy ICs must be added to the regression model after orthogonalization to the signals of interests and other BOLD-related ICs


Breath-Hold (BH) induced Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) measures the ability of the brain’s vasculature to respond to a vasodilatory stimulus. However, BH movement artifacts are time-locked with the vasodilatory signal of interest, potentially introducing considerable bias on CVR estimates. We compare different strategies based on Multi-Echo (ME) BOLD fMRI to clean BH data.


We asked 7 subects to undergo 10 MRI sessions, one week apart, and perform a BH task. We acquired ME data and applied different ME-ICA based denoising to remove motion effects. We then compared the reliability of each pipeline using intraclass correlation coefficient and measureing the relation between FD and DVARS.


Considering the relationship between FD and DVARS and the ICC analysis, a conservative ME-ICA denoising approach is the best way to reduce impact of motion without compromising reliability in CVR mapping. Otherwise, a conventional OC approach is recommended, but with less reduction of motion effects.

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Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) measures the ability of the brain’s vasculature to respond to a vasodilatory stimulus, such as CO2 , and is an emerging imaging metric of cerebrovascular health. Breath-Hold (BH) induced CVR mapping is a valid alternative to gas inhalation challenges [1] with functional MRI. However, BH movement artifacts are time-locked with the vasodilatory signal of interest, potentially introducing considerable bias on CVR estimates. Multi-Echo (ME) BOLD fMRI enhances the sensitivity to the BOLD effect by optimally combining the echoes, and enables denoising approaches that have demonstrated to remove non-BOLD (e.g. movement) artefacts effectively [2-5]. Using a combined ME BOLD and pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling acquisition, Cohen and Wang have shown that Optimal Combination (OC) of ME time series improves the reliability and repeatability of BH induced CVR mapping [6] assessed over 2 sessions. However, OC is not sufficient to remove motion effects from true fluctuations related to CVR. Here, we (1) generalise these results by computing quantitative CVR maps obtained from a fast (1.5 s) TR, ME-BOLD acquisition acquired over 9 sessions with concurrent end-tidal CO2 recordings, and (2) compare how single echo, OC and ME-based Independent Component Analysis (ME-ICA) denoising [3,4,5] preprocessing pipelines remove motion artefacts and obtain more reliable results.


Seven healthy volunteers underwent 10 MRI sessions in a 3T Siemens PrismaFit scanner, spaced 1-week apart at the same time of day. A BH task (Fig. 1) adapted from [7] was administered at each session while collecting ME-fMRI data (340 scans, TR=1.5 s, TEs=10.6/28.69/46.78/64.87/82.96 ms, flip angle=70°, MB=4, GRAPPA=2, 52 slices, Partial-Fourier=6/8, FoV=211x211 mm2, voxel size=2.4x2.4x3 mm3). CO2 levels were measured using a nasal cannula, a gas analyzer (ADInstruments), and a BIOPAC MP150 system. Data preprocessing and data analysis followed the same steps reported in [8]. Briefly, after a minimal data preprocessing (Fig. 2), CVR and lag maps were first obtained in the second TE (SE) and OC data (GLM with lagged HRF-convolved PETCO2 timeseries as covariate of interest; 12 motion parameters and Legendre polynomials as nuisance regressors, SE-MPR or OC-MPR, Fig. 3). The optimally combined volume was decomposed using ME-ICA [9], then noise and signal ICs were manually labelled, and three additional extended GLMs were created: adding the noise ICs timeseries directly as additional nuisance regressors (ME-AGG); orthogonalized w.r.t. the PETCO2 trace (ME-MOD); or orthogonalised w.r.t. the PETCO2 trace and signal ICs timeseries (ME-CON). FD [10] and DVARS [11] were computed before realignment (SE-PRE) and after removal of the fitted nuisance regressors from SE and OC data. The CVR and lag maps were registered to the MNI space, then ICC(2,1) [12] was computed to assess their reliability across sessions.

Figure 1: Left: Preprocessing and data analysis used in this study. Right: BreathHold task.


Considering the relationship between FD and DVARS (Fig. 4-5) and the ICC analysis (Fig. 6), a conservative ME-ICA denoising approach is the best way to reduce impact of motion without compromising reliability in CVR mapping. Otherwise, a conventional OC approach is recommended, but with less reduction of motion effects. Further studies should extend these results to other fMRI with substantial collinear artefacts.

Figure 2: CVR map for each denoising and session of a representative subject

Figure 3: Lag map for each denoising and session of a representative subject

Figure 4: FD vs DVARS correlation for a representative subject, and (B) for all subjects for all of the analysis approaches. A lower slope in the correlation means lower residual motion effects and better motion denoising.

Figure 5: Right: BH responses in %DVARS and %BOLD. Left: Tendency to average in all the trials.

Figure 6: Thresholded (>0.4) voxelwise ICC(2,1) of CVR and lag in MNI space. Note how optcom and meica-con have the best reliability for both CVR and lag maps, while meica-agg has the lowest in both. ICC below 0.4 indicates poor reliability.


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