Long-term stability of CVR and its lag response presents patterns that are equally explained by vascular anatomy, neural activity, and anatomy.


Cerebrovascular Reactivity (CVR) can be measured with BOLD functional MRI and induced with Breath-Hold (BH) in a highly reliable way. However, the reliability of BH-induced CVR, frequently expressed using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), is not constant across the whole brain, possibly suggesting regional state-like or trait-like driving factors. While it is possible that the neural activations elicited by the BH task are responsible for regional differences in CVR reliability, we hypothesize that the observed spatial patterns of long-term stability are associated with the vascular architecture of the brain.


After computing ICC maps of CVR and its lag response, we compute 1000 whole-brain surrogate datasets of both. We then use three different atlases (vascular, functional, and subcortical) to assess the probability of the ICC variance being lower in the original data than in the surrogate null data - if they are, we can assume that the parcellation matches the intrinsic organisation of the data.


Parcels from all atlases show significant specificity, indicating that the three architectures taken into account here could explain equally well the observed patterns in ICC_CVR and ICC_lag. This could indicate that CVR and its lag could share specific individual characteristics with other cerebral features (e.g. functional networks). Moreover, given that functional areas are vascularised by sections of the carotid arteries, our observation that both atlases present similarly specific reliability corroborates the presence of an important link between vascular physiology and functional networks.

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The estimation of cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) can be a valuable assessment in the clinical routine. The blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) contrast is commonly used for CVR mapping studies, and a non-invasive way to implement BOLD-CVR measurements is to adopt voluntary respiratory challenges, such as breath-hold (BH) tasks [1]⁠. A BH task induces the subject in a state of hypercapnia that causes a transient increase in blood flow and the BOLD signal, similar to CO2 gas challenges [2]⁠. BH-induced CVR can be assessed despite inconsistent subject performance [3]⁠, and it can be successfully implemented in many types of populations [4,5]⁠. More importantly, it was shown that measuring BH-induced CVR with BOLD-fMRI is highly reliable [3,6–10⁠]. However, the reliability of BH-induced CVR, frequently expressed using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), is not constant across the whole brain, possibly suggesting regional state-like or trait-like driving factors. Local variability has been observed not only across different brain tissues, but also across hemispheres and between cortical and subcortical areas [8,10⁠]. The same observation can be extended to the CVR response lag [10⁠]. Despite these observations, little is known about which factors induce this regionally-specific reliability. Therefore, in this study we inspect how different architectures of the brain (e.g. a vascular architecture vs a functional network architecture) can specifically explain local differences in the long-term stability of CVR (i.e. be more homogeneous). We use three different atlases, one based on functional networks11⁠⁠, one based on vascular anatomy (arterial flow territories) [12]⁠, and one based on anatomical subcortical and cerebellar parcellation [13]⁠, to investigate if local CVR reliability is specific to certain regions of interests (ROI). While it is possible that the neural activations elicited by the BH task are responsible for regional differences in CVR reliability, we hypothesize that the observed spatial patterns of long-term stability are associated with the vascular architecture of the brain. As such, we expect that ROIs circumscribing vascular territories will demonstrate more specific (i.e. homogeneous) reliability as compared to functional or anatomical ROIs.


We leveraged a precision functional mapping dataset of BH tasks [3]⁠ (Figure 1B), acquired in seven subjects over ten sessions, using optimally-combined multi-echo BOLD fMRI14⁠. Subjects were instructed through visual cues. Further details about the breath-hold paradigm, data acquisition and preprocessing can be found in [10⁠] (see Figure 1). For the current study, we used the maps of the voxelwise reliability of CVR and lag metrics (ICC_CVR and ICC_lag, respectively) of the optimally-combined analysis (see Figure 2 adapted from [10] ). Then, we generated 1000 whole-brain surrogate datasets of the voxelwise ICC_CVR and ICC_lag maps, maintaining spatial autocorrelation properties [15]⁠. We used each atlas (vascular, functional, and subcortical) to extract within-parcel variance of the ICC values from the original ICC maps and from all surrogates maps, scaling them by the variance of all brain voxels. We used a modified version of the atlas described in [12⁠] to take into account inter-hemispheric differences. Finally, for each ROI we assessed the probability of the ICC variance being lower in the original data than in the surrogate null data, that would indicate a better match with the intrinsic organisation of the data. Otherwise, the underlying data might be better described with a different organization than that delimited by the region.


Figures 2 and 3 show the probability of ICC_CVR and ICC_lag maps being more homogeneous in the true data than in surrogate data, respectively. For both ICC_CVR and ICC_lag maps, the areas vascularised by the left intermediate and distal anterior, medial, and posterior carotid artery, as well as by the right intermediate anterior carotid artery, have high probability of presenting homogeneous reliability beyond that expected due to spatial autocorrelation. Contrary to our hypothesis, for both ICC_CVR and ICC_lag maps, the left somatomotor, dorsal attention, salience, control, and default mode networks, as well as the right somatomotor, salience, and default mode network (plus the dorsal attention network for ICC_CVR maps), also exhibit high probability of presenting homogeneous reliability. Similarly, most of the subcortical areas, as well as the left cerebellum in the case of ICC_CVR maps, feature high homogeneity. Parcels from all atlases show significant specificity, indicating that the three architectures taken into account here could explain equally well the observed patterns in ICC_CVR and ICC_lag. This could indicate that CVR and its lag could share specific individual characteristics with other cerebral features (e.g. functional networks [16,17]). Moreover, given that functional areas are vascularised by sections of the carotid arteries, our observation that both atlases present similarly specific reliability corroborates the presence of an important link between vascular physiology and functional networks [18]⁠.


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